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Bouchot mussel  

Bouchot mussel grows on wooden poles in the sea so that it is out of reach of predators. It is the best mussel : it is yellow-orange and its taste is unique.


Plantation pieux à moules

Spat Preparation  

Cordes de naissain de moulesHorizontal ropes are tended at sea in the areas where mussels reproduce (like Noiremoutier). Babies mussels (spat) set on the strings which are then brought in Normandy in June to be fixed “on wooden tables”. Here, spat grows up to the end of summer.


Winding ropes  

In September, the strings are rolled in spiral on the poles (bouchots). At the foot of each pole, a kind of plastic skirt is fixed in order to prevent crabs and other predators to climb and attack the mussels.



Enroulement des cordes à moules


Throughout winter and spring, mussels develop and cover the bouchots. To ensure that mussels are not swept away by storms, the sea farmers put nets on them.


Picking: July-March  

After at least one year's growth on bouchots, they are picked with the help of machines. It remains only to rid their nets, wash, sort and pack for shipment and sale.



Cueillette des moules


Logo moules de bouchot
  How can you recognise Bouchot?    
Bouchot mussels are easily identifiable: the shell is small, the fish inside is fleshy and yellow or orange. Usually there is neither sand nor parasite (crabs…) inside. Their taste has nothing to do with any other mussel.

Moreover, to protect consumers, mussels sea farmers created the “Moule de Bouchot” trademark. Thus, bouchot mussels are sold with a label with a logo.


Pieux à moules